Telehealth and Telerehabilitation Improvements


As reported in the August  edition of the journal Stroke on Wednesday, May 30, 2012, an at-home, telehealth-based stroke rehabilitation program assisted patients regain lower body function.
 Researchers from the Regenstrief Institute and the Department of Veterans Affairs Richard Roudebush VA Medical Center in Indianapolis, Indiana conducted the study.
Fifty two veterans  who were living at home and who had survived a hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke within the previous two years were evaluated. Some of the patients received their usual care and some participated in a stroke telerehabilitation program called STeleR.The researchers installed a camera to record the veterans’ functional abilities and connected an in-home messaging device via the  telephone line. A  therapist at a remote location  used the messaging device to monitor the veterans on a weekly basis.
The study found that compared with veterans who received usual care,  veterans who participated in the STeleR program were better able to:
Prepare meals;
Maintain a regular exercise routine;
Manage their finances and
Handle personal needs, such as bathing;
This research certainly showed improvement of the veterans’ improvement capability and should be encouraged to continue and expand.
Another aspect of telehealth is telerehabilitation. This is where patients with Parkinson’s disease, stroke,MS, CP and all other kinds of upper and lower limb disabilities can take advantage of state of the art technology to improve their situation. Specifically the TUTOR system, now being used in leading U.S. and European hospitals, is one of the latest and most effective physical therapy solutions. Both cost effective and efficient for the patient who has been discharged from an acute hospitalization and for those that live at too great a distance from a rehabilitation facility the HANDTUTOR, ARMTUTOR, LEGTUTOR and 3DTUTOR are  excellent physical therapy products.
The newly developed HANDTUTOR and its sister devices  have become a key system in neuromuscular rehabilitation and physical therapy for interactive rehabilitation exercise. These innovative devices implement an impairment based program with augmented feedback and encourage motor learning through intensive active exercises. These exercises are challenging and motivating and allow for repetitive training tailored to the patient’s performance. This training is tailored and customized by the occupational and physical therapist to ensure that the patient stays motivated to do intensive repetitive manual therapy and exercise practice.  See WWW.MEDITOUCH.CO.IL for further information.

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